Learning how to BE

What is “Being”?

This is the golden question for those walking on the path of enlightenment. Some even view it as a destination. To “Be” is to reach a state of pure enlightenment.

The key to being is to exude nothing but gratitude for all of your experiences. For all that you have, and all that you do not have. For all that you are, and for all that you are not.

Many of us on the path of enlightenment come to a point where we are ready to part with every single earthly possession, relationship or experience that no longer serves us. We do this in order to create a new experience for ourselves. Through the act of “de-cluttering” your life you will become acquainted with a certain type of clarity that you most likely could not have found otherwise. Through this experience, you will begin to learn the concept of “enough” where you learn what it means to be better off when you have everything you NEED and stop impulsively obtaining things like material goods, relationships, and experiences that are more impulsive, meaningless desires and will develop a sense of gratitude for your new life.  Getting rid of all which does not serve you is beneficial, but only so you can EXPERIENCE a life of enough. This is the beginning of the path to gratitude.

This is not to say you have to be a minimalist. it means that because you are getting rid of things, people and experiences that no longer serve your highest good, you are setting your stage to transition into living in a state of gratitude.

This is still separate from being. Instead, it is action which will allow you an experience in which you will learn more about yourself, and what it is like to live without things that you previously thought were necessary.

To be is to live only in gratitude of what is all around you without any desire to change anything at all.

Feeling the need to de-clutter your life is to be in a state of WANTING to experience something different. This something different is necessary, and has to be done, because one can never just “learn how to be”. One day you will happen upon it. It will come, and then it will pass.

We are only meant to glimpse being. We are not meant to live there. When we are in a state of being, we are only content, bathed in memories, and knowledge of the vastness of our souls. We feel the connectedness of the cosmos, and experience being one with all that has, or will ever exist. There is no driving force to do anything at all when you are being. There is only contentment. There is no ego driving our passions, or our fears that allow us to have this human experience and keep pushing us forward. The closest thing to perpetual being is to live in love and pure gratitude.

We are not meant to live in a state of being all of the time . That is for when we are not in these human bodies anymore, off in higher realms .

It’s a state of pure connectedness to everything. Where you are only frequency, not even physical.

Enjoy the beauty of the journey that you are on . Do not stress over the destination, and you will get there without even knowing you have.

When you TRY to do anything, you only create resistance on your path.


Regarding the Light


I am a work in progress