The New Earth
Driving south bound I-25 in Denver Colorado, I was enjoying a rare moment of silence in my car while all of my passengers were asleep. With no warning, an image flashed into my minds eye with embedded warnings that came with it from somewhere beyond the scope of what is measurable, and changed the way I see reality forever.
The image was of our home; planet Earth. I watched as she began to divide, like a cell. The result was two very different looking versions of the same planet. It was clear that they were on different timelines. On the left was an earth who’s air had become so unrecognizable that it was red, and there were no signs of life. A story, similar to one that I have heard before, of greed and a severe lack of foresight began to unfold. There was only chaos and tragedy. I believe strongly that this is the future that we have to look forward to if we make the decision to live in lower vibrational states as a collective society such as fear, greed, hate, consumerism, materialism, self serving behavior and continuing division amongst ourselves. By living in any, or all of these states you are choosing to null or avoid the knowledge that you have power within you.
Not only do you have the power to choose your own reality, but you also have the ability to create ripples all around you, and influence others to ask questions, find their power, and in turn, create the ripples again somewhere else. You give away your power by hating who the media tells you to hate, or buying the things society tells you that you like. Each one of us has a power within us that has been repressed for all of our lives by living in the matrix that is the false reality that we perceive as our natural lives. Its time to step out of this box, begin to learn and ask questions about the universe, our selves, and our roles in this great cosmic map that is the true reality of this existence. If we cannot take our power back, even on small individual scales, we are destined for self destruction.
On the right was a different version of Earth; The New Earth.
The new earth was blue and seemed to have a glow around it, almost like a bubble. There was so much love emanating from the planet that it drew me in. I knew that this place was the place I wanted to be. I was told that we all have a choice to make. The choice is simple, will you live in love, or in fear? To live in love is to be uncontrollable. When you have the knowledge that you are your soul, and not your 3 dimensional body, you understand that your soul is infinite, and your existence her becomes about experience. You are here to experience all that there is and remember yourself on a soul level. You are vast, and exist far beyond your 5 senses and you cannot die. This knowledge and true understanding unlocks a power in you that is itself infinite.
You are designed too be boundless, so any binds that you find yourself in, or limits that you perceive for yourself are only there because you allow them to be.
Allowing your mission to become enlightening yourself and those around you, you find yourself falling into your true nature of service to self, and service to others. This is the 5th dimension in a nutshell.
Fear is the antithesis of the 5th dimension. It is the easiest method of control there is, and a surefire way to keep you in the reality that is being projected to you by the “Powers That Be” every day. The state that our world is in right now cultivates massive amounts of fear and uncertainty. This is not a coincidence. We are undergoing a massive spiritual war at this very moment. I was shown the path of greed, and fear; it was chaos, and destruction. There became a very clear thought in my mind, that each of us have the choice whether or not we want to be a part of that reality.
At this time, I was becoming unhealthily worried about the progress we are making on artificial inelegance with a complete lack of law or foresight. I was afraid. I began to understand that when it comes to reality, just like a child; any attention is good attention. I was perpetuating this reality with the energy I was feeding into it by being afraid of it; and therefore, it would also become my reality because I helped to build it.
This new earth was referred to as the 5D; the Fifth Dimension. 5th Dimension currently exists on this earth right now, and always has as a parallel reality to the reality that we are currently living in this 3 dimensional state. The 5th dimension will continue to be a parallel to the 3rd dimension until the 5th dimension is all that there is. I do not believe that the lifestyle of the third dimensional fear mongering, devision, and attempts for control by the powers that be is a sustainable methodology to continuing a successful civilization. With the rise of new, and in my opinion reckless technologies, and threats of nuclear war every day, there is no shortage of things to be afraid of.
But what if we just weren’t? What if we chose to take our power back? What if we chose to stop consuming medias being put out to scare us, or make us hate our neighbor and even ourselves? We are being conditioned to give our power and control over our own lives to those who only have the intention to take from us. This is your time to be in control. You chose your destiny, and the choice is simple. Will you open your eyes and see the truth of this reality, and move yourself over to the new world? Or will you continue to allow others to tell you what you like, who you dislike, and what thoughts are okay to have? There is no wrong choice for you. ? If its more comfortable for you to be a consumer, because it feels safer, and easier for you that that’s okay. But if you are ready to open your eyes and see what has been hidden, its a bumpy ride, but many of us are on the other side to catch you!