Who is The Creator of Your Reality?
Before I start this, I want to convey to you the importance that you understand that these are my thoughts. I ask that you use your own judgment in determining what you believe is true. You are not expected to accept all that I say as truth, however it is my feeling that you are hindering your own growth if you do not at the very least have an open mind while reading these thoughts. Everything I write here is channeled, meaning it came through me from higher dimensions but still does not make it the gospel. In my reality, these words are truth. I am only here to help you find yours.
Reality is the perception of the external world around us. Things happen that we seem to have no control over. At times reality can seem unbearable. We find ourselves asking questions like “Why?” and “what now?” while finding the answers to those questions are extremely elusive.
I have continuously wondered who the creator of my reality was; and if EVERYONES reality is crafted by the same master. If so, this could only be the work of an absolutely limitless God with predetermined lessons, and life paths for every single one of us. If I’m being honest, that never seemed quite right with my soul.
So then who is it? Who is this master architect with extraordinary lessons and the means to teach them effectively while also guiding you on your life path through your own unique reality?
Have you ever heard the saying “You are made in Gods image”? I find this to be very true, although I prefer to call them Creator rather than God. The term God is implying that there is an unseen force in the universe who demands to be worshiped and respected above all else; including yourself. As I do believe in greater powers than my own and that Gods exist, I do not believe that God/Gods created this universe. Gods are mighty and calculated, because that’s how creator intended them to be.
As a human, we have the incredible capacity to create. We are artists, musicians, and writers. There is no limit to the things we can create. I believe it is reasonable to claim that all creation begins with thought; a belief or an idea that something is possible. Even if it were inconceivable before. All things that exist in your reality began with a thought. Every tangible, solid, indisputable thing that you own is a physical manifestation of a thought.
I believe that thoughts are physical energy and manifest in all different ways in the physical world.
There is a proverb that I love to use in my daily life, it comes in a few different variations and can be applied to many different situations. “As above, so below” “As within, so without” “Peace within, Peace without”. I’m sure the list could go on for a while, and they all offer the same lesson. What is within you, your thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires will inevitably be manifested into your external reality.
Have you ever had a day where you just can’t catch a break? It feels like bad things keep happening just for the sake of it? It makes it really hard to focus on anything else. Your alarm doesn’t wake you up on time, so now you’re focused on being late. On your way to work you swear you never hit this many red lights; and its probably true. When you get to work, you can’t believe that in your panic to get into the door, you have spilled your coffee on yourself, and now you’re feeling like someone above is watching you and laughing while you curse at the sky and ask “WHY?”
Many prolific writers have written about The Law of Attraction. If I’m completely honest, I have read none of the books, and only know what I have learned through experience and meditation. The Law of Attraction is the idea that we will attract the energies that we exude; thus manifesting our own realities through thoughts and imagination alone.
So lets go back to our hypothetical morning. Our alarm didn’t go off, that was an uncontrollable circumstance. “Why?” may have been one of the first thoughts that came to mind. Not the type of “Why?” We ask when we are curious and want to learn something unknown, but the kind of “Why?” That says “Why ME” “Why NOW?” These thoughts only cultivate negative emotions, and lower your vibrations. The Law of Attraction would suggest that because you are now in a low vibrational state and have negative energy spewing out of your pores- that energy will go out into the unseen world that is all around us and mingle with its own kind. They will latch on to the wavelengths that match themselves and bring them on back to you, creating more of your negative thoughts which will in turn lower your vibrations even more and begin the cycle over; each time getting worse.
This is the LOA, and this is one way that our thoughts can manifest in the physical world. Usually it’s happening without us even being conscious of it.
Now lets conceive another hypothetical morning. This is still you, and your alarm still does not wake you up on time. You are definitely going to be late to work. But this time you collect your thoughts consciously. You ask yourself what you can do about the situation you are in at this moment. Most likely the answer will be simple; “you can only do the next right thing.” This idea offers you control over your own thoughts if nothing else, even if it’s only a little bit. You become aware that this situation was unpredictable and uncontrollable.
You can call your job, to communicate the circumstances and ease some of your anxiety so that you are not rushing to work. You can distract yourself with music that you like in the car and consider the possibility that you just were not supposed to be to work on time today for a reason you may never understand. At this moment all you are doing is minding your own thoughts, and this is making it possible to control your own actions. Your energetic vibrations are staying where you want them to stay, so you will continue to attract the same positivity you are putting out!
So in this reality you never rush to work yelling at every red light you hit, or spill your hot coffee on yourself on your way out of the car. You used the power of what I call “seeking the good”, attracting more of what you want on a subconscious level.
If you are reading this, the chances are, you know what manifestation is. One common subject that comes up when people talk about what they want to manifest is money, so I will use this as an example.
When you are thinking about wanting money, I can almost aways guarantee that you are focused on the subject because you are lacking in that particular area. You would not be praying for money if you already had it in abundance. I am of the belief that when you are constantly praying to God or asking the universe to deliver you with something that you do not already have, you are only shedding light on what it is that you do not currently possess. You are in a state of wanting. When there is want in your spirit, there can be no gratitude.
So if we are using the same LOA principles then that would suggest that want will only attract more want. The reason is because we are focused on a void that we have in our lives. For example. Someone who does not have money; they are focused not on the amount of money that they have, but the amount of money that they do not have. They will continue to give their energy to feed into the reality where they do not have money.
The remedy to this vicious cycle is gratitude. You must take the time to examine your situation in order to see the good that is around you. Can you control the amount of money you have at this very moment? No, but you are able to control whether or not you feel grateful for what you DO have at this exact moment. If you have a roof over you head but no money to pay rent, rest in the thought that right NOW you have this roof over your head, you will sleep safely tonight, and have only faith that the money you need will come and be thankful that you have this sacred knowledge knowing that the universe will always provide for you.
There are times in our lives where it will feel easier to stay on this wave of negativity and ride it for as long as it will carry us. This is usually not an intentional choice on our part although there are select few who love a good pity party. But most of us are simply not aware that we have the built in tools to jump off of that wave and begin anew in the way the we intend to. Many of us have never experienced the power of our own mind, or truly understand that we are the masters of our own reality.
Imagine yourself riding on this wave of negativity. You can’t pay your bills, it feels like you don’t fit in, you’re going through a breakup, or whatever the case may be. There are so many thoughts that you will most likely be experiencing that are taking your power away “you don’t have money for you rent” “nobody likes you” and “you weren’t good enough to keep this partner”. Imagine telling this to yourself over and over again on a consistent basis. These are self degrading thoughts. They are placed in your head intentionally by lower vibrational forces to keep you from finding your own power. There is no way to rise if you continue to allow these types of poisonous words into your space.
When we are stuck on these waves, we are in a constant state of want. We want to have more. We want to be different than what we are, maybe even wanting to be like someone else. We want to fit in or so we can have the partner that we don’t feel good enough for. By wanting you are not focused on, or grateful for what you are. The remedy here is to replace these feelings with “I AM”. This phrase is an absolute. “I AM ENOUGH”there is no way to misinterpret this. Here, you are not focused in the slightest on what you are not only on what you are. when you are not feeling loved by others, or even yourself “I AM LOVE” you can be love! When you are feeling a lack of faith that things will work out in your favor; “I AM THE UNIVERSE”. This creates a knowing in your Devine role here in this universe and allows you to harbor space for faith that you have the right and the power to demand what you want in this life. You do not need to allow yourself to be a victim of your own circumstances, or your own surroundings. You have POWER in this life, no matter where you’re starting.
This is one way to manifest, and with like any other type of manifestation, it takes faith and intention to work.
You will notice a variance in time. Some days it may be instant, while others could take months. Never lose the faith in your own power!